
Czech animation has a long tradition. Today this field is developing and blending with the applied arts also. This talk, combined with a screening, will present not only six short films created for the exhibition Design and Transformation, but also introduce their authors who are part of the young generation of Czech animated film. A unique opportunity to discover the background of these films which combine animation and documentary, and to discover several great animated short films from the last few years.

Michaela Režová (1992°) is a film and art director interested in digital storytelling. She works in the fields of animation, documentary, illustration and graphic design. Currently a PhD student at UMPRUM’s Animation and Film Studio, her artistic research focuses on the genre of animated documentary and its forms. She is also at the founder of the platform

Talk within the exhibition Design and Transformation. Stories of Czech design 1990-2020..

Pratical informations

Speaker: Michaela Režová

When: 08.01.2023

Time: 11am and 2pm

Duration: 1h

Language: EN

Price: free (- 26 y) / €5 (standard)

Email : [email protected] / 02 669 49 21